Sunday, February 26, 2012

New Lens

My new lens finally arrived.  I am so excited!  Here are a few shots taken with it.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Learned something new...

... Well hopefully.  Lately when I have been posting to the web my photos have looked washed out and dull so I began to inquire and NOONE had the answer. Really most blamed where I was uploading too but, this time was different.  Someone said I have saving the files in the wrong format.  Said I should be saving them in sRGB and not RGB so here they are hopefully converted.  Hopefully.

Friday, February 3, 2012


Sometimes my little miss can be quite hard to photograph.  She does this silliest smile or just gets annoyed with mom trying to pose her. However, as time goes on she gets easier and easier.  I ask her now if she wants to be my model and as long as she gets to see the photos when I am done she will deal with quit a bit.  One of things I LOVE about my little girl is her eyes.  Which brought me to another revelation. The thing I want to capture most in photography... eyes. I love getting just the right catch lights and having eyes look like a mirror reflecting what the eyes are taking in.  Matthew 22a says "The eye is the lamp of the body"  People have said "eyes are a window into the soul"  (btw I say ppl b/c the great interwebs cannot credit who said this first).  To me eyes say so much even though they are so small. So without further ado here are my DD photos