Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Since my website in under some MAJOR construction I decided it would be a good idea to link my information from my site to this blog as it is up and running.  Speaking of links... I also started a Facebook page so if you get the chance you should come like the page.

Here is the link to my Investment page: http://ruth.digitalpowers.com/?page_id=71 

And here is the one to my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/DigitalPowersPhotography

Sunday, February 26, 2012

New Lens

My new lens finally arrived.  I am so excited!  Here are a few shots taken with it.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Learned something new...

... Well hopefully.  Lately when I have been posting to the web my photos have looked washed out and dull so I began to inquire and NOONE had the answer. Really most blamed where I was uploading too but, this time was different.  Someone said I have saving the files in the wrong format.  Said I should be saving them in sRGB and not RGB so here they are hopefully converted.  Hopefully.

Friday, February 3, 2012


Sometimes my little miss can be quite hard to photograph.  She does this silliest smile or just gets annoyed with mom trying to pose her. However, as time goes on she gets easier and easier.  I ask her now if she wants to be my model and as long as she gets to see the photos when I am done she will deal with quit a bit.  One of things I LOVE about my little girl is her eyes.  Which brought me to another revelation. The thing I want to capture most in photography... eyes. I love getting just the right catch lights and having eyes look like a mirror reflecting what the eyes are taking in.  Matthew 22a says "The eye is the lamp of the body"  People have said "eyes are a window into the soul"  (btw I say ppl b/c the great interwebs cannot credit who said this first).  To me eyes say so much even though they are so small. So without further ado here are my DD photos

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Model Release...

That is what I have been working on this week and man the examples I can find sound complicated. I wish there was one that says I give Photographer permission to use my image. Of course that wouldn't be as legal but I wish it would be. I do however, (with a little okay a lot gleaning from the internet) have a minor model release. I am excited. In case I didn't post my New Years photography goals here let me go ahead and point out why this model release is now necessary. I have decided that this year I am going to portfolio build and in doing so begin to really learn how to take my hobby and turn it into a business. If everything works out as planned (ha ha) I will begin a photography business in 2013!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year New Goals

Okay I am going to try to post one creative thing a week. Mostly it will be photographs but I may include something scrapbooking related as well. Here is to a 52 week challenge. Resolutions continued:

1. Study. Study the word of God. Spend more time with my Lord and Savior so I can let Him continue to lead my life

2. Loose weight. I know I know everyone has this as their resolution but I am making a serious effort. I have begun Phase 1 of the South Beach diet and so far so good. Eating a TON of eggs. Not sure if I like eggs anymore but they are still consumable.

3. Speak kinder words to my kids. Praying for imparted patience here b/c I naturally don't have any.

4. Learn more about photography and begin to build a portfolio. (speaking of photos pop over to my family blog to see my kiddos Christmas shots)